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16th December, yet again!

Yet Again! The day has come. 2 years of the horrifying night. 2 years of the shivering hands. 2 years of the countless prayers. 2 years of the dirty politics. 2 years of aggressive protests. 2 years back we lost our braveheart. Nirbhaya, Damini and countless names. 2 years and still the same story. 2 years and we are alive, with the same mentalities. 

What has changed?
Government changed. 
What has not changed?
Mentality has not changed.

A serious question that hits our mind is that won't we ever be able to stop these heinous crimes? We are afraid to find out the answer. India is a strong democratic nation, with most of its features being disabled.
People think that government is responsible for every such act and thus they come out, shout-a-loud at streets and then they revert to their day to day tasks. Its not that Government is not responsible, no doubt there are critical loop holes and most of the times intention of the authorities is questionable. But they are not 100% responsible. Rapists and molesters are somewhere between us. Perverts around us today will become molesters tomorrow. 

We come out with slogans and sympathetic notes on social networks on such days. We forget our responsibilities when we come out of the virtual world(say, internet). Cursing and barking won't lead to a solution. Political parties will keep trying to grab the political scores. Don't expect much. Untill we will not gonna change, the crimes would keep rising exponentially. 

I meet a number of people, friends, classmates, students from various streams, colleges and from various different environments. The guys I am surrounded with, can be differentiated in a few groups(all from a good family background). What I observe is that a group is involved in making lewd fun of the physical appearance of any random girl all day, or discussing  on there 'physical characteristics'. Its not that there are all perverts, they are good scholars and good human beings. But the overdose of 'online materials' and a few other things are changing them into perverts. Though this is very initial stage. Such groups are formed by a contagious affinity and are comparatively bigger in numbers. They regard what they do as 'fun'. I don't know whether there definition of 'fun' is right or mine, but what they do is at least not legally correct.

The other class of guys consists of those who are silent spectators. They listen everything, but don't have the courage to stop others. They try to ignore and move. There are only a few of them. Our expectation lies in them. Yes, if anyone can bring the change, it is they who can. They need some support and thus they are activated. Support them, always. It is the need of the hour.

Change is needed. Mentality needs to be changed. Let change for no one else, but the women in our house. Change for your sister, you love, your mother. Change for humanity. A small sacrifice of your kind of 'fun' can effect drastically in all the best ways to the opposite gender. 

My sincere sympathies to all the victims of molestation, and rapes. Please raise your voice against all such things.
16 Dec 2012 made us retrospect our behavior towards women. 
Your sacrifice won't ever go waste, Nirbhya, our braveheart..


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