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Being Anonymous

How open you are to your closed ones to share your secrets with them?
Do you have anything to share but you are hesitating because you fear of its after effects?
Can your life story turn out to be nightmare for many people?
Do you have ecstasies for someone who follows you?
Do you have some events to share, which made you shattered?
Do you want to share your past with the world, being invisible to everyone?
So that no one asks you, or questions you for the same.

Today it has became a reality. Now you can share your part of feelings or emotions being invisible
to the world but still getting their reactions.

Being Anonymous.

I was active on quora from last few months, and I noticed there are plenty of questions and answers
which were written anonymously. In case you are not aware about Quora, it is a question-and-answer
website where questions are asked, answered, edited and organized by its community of users.

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Writing anonymously gives you the power to speak your heart out, share your deepest griefs.
While sailing through the questions I found a few texts, such as :

1. A newly wedded bride sharing about her past relationship, which she does not wants to tell to her
husband. Because she now loves him so much and he loves him much more.
She does not want him to know because she does not want to hurt him.

2. A girl in early in late 20s sharing about physical and mental atrocities by her close relative
in her childhood. To whom she still have to greet unwillingly in family functions. But she cannot
disclose it to anyone because it will hurt more.

3. An IT guy who is fed up of his company, writing about how a particular three letter company ruined his interests in technicals, and how his office politics is being added as an cherry to the cake.
He chooses to be anonymous because he fears the aftermaths, if his identity is revealed.

4. A girl from one of the leading technical institute from the country, sharing grief about the demise
of her father and shares that how much low she feels about it, as she didn't treated her father well
when he was alive. She shares that he always wanted to spend some time with her but how she prioritized her friends over him and all of a sudden she lost him.

5. A commander from Siachin writing about how it feels when they see a few students chanting anti national slogans in a top class university of our country. He says how they made fun of it and returned to their duty. He expresses as an individual how bad it feels to hear such things.

6. Some little kids of 10th 12th class something, sharing their break-up stories and expressing how
they were cheated and so.

7. An IAS Officer writing about how difficult it is to manage political pressure and to stay away from corruption. He shares how he is still fighting against corruption although he gets transferred as a reward. He also explains that why it is important for us to get into the system and clean it.

8. How a most viewed writer of the category Girlfriends, having 40000+ views in a month on his answers,
is unable to understand his own girlfriend, and how he is struggling to get her back to life.

9. A 23 year guy, who has been married, explaining the pros and cons of early marriage.
He expresses how bad he feel about non amicable relationship of his mom and his wife.

10. A rape survivor shares about the unpleasant phases she has to go through after the traumatic incident.

No doubt a few of them are horrifying to read. Your eyes get wet and your hands shiver. Because you are reading the original version of the people who have gone through such outrageous incidents in their life.
But the power of anonymity is a boon. People can share their emotions and stories without living in the fear of ruining of their image in workplace or society. Being Anonymous keeps you distant from 'Log kya kahenge' thoughts.
And indeed, you feel light only after sharing your thoughts. And there is a big intellectual crowd on quora which supports you and gives you suggestions about what best can be done at your situation.

Quora is definitely a blessing. Cheers to Quora.


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