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Not so 'Good Morning' !

WAKE UP INDIA, Its not so 'Good Morning'.

15 year olds are being gang-raped, murdered and are being
hanged on trees. Could we afford to sleep anymore? Hundreds of hilarious rapes are being committed daily, thousands & thousands of women being molested at the time you are reading this text, on some bus stops, metro trains, offices and where not? Schools, Colleges, you call a place and I'll tell you a story. Is this anyway NORMAL for you? Is it?

Approximately 50% of our population is feeling unsafe 24 hours, 7 days a week. Do you even know what is 50%? It means that more than 60 crores of females in India are unsafe, they are continuously driven by the feeling of insecurity in workplaces, their own homes, markets, in public transports and the list is endless.

But but but, why the hell are we supposed to be concerned? We are living our normal life, ohh sorry, a fantastic life, day starts from an android smartphone and and with the same, have good food to eat and freedom to do anything, yes ANYTHING. This is what the expected root cause of more than 70% problems of women security, they suffer, because we don't give a damn to care.
Demographics of India states that about 65% population of India is under 35 years. 65% = Over 70-75 crore people. If even 10% of them had etiquette's to behave with girls and women,  the respect for the opposite gender, the problem of women security could have been minimized to negligible levels. BUT, this did not happened, neither it is happening. Till the time some guy learns to respect, 10 others are converted into cheap perverts. Specially the middle aged ones. Reasons are debatable.

It is a fact that in every 24 minutes, a girl is being raped in India. If we count the number of unreported rapes, the rate increases upto 8 minutes a rape. Though there are thousands of Facebook status, blog posts, articles in newspapers regarding rapes, I wish to underline that Molestation is no less than rape, so when you'll try to study the actual problems, the REAL statistics might astonish you!

We are literate, students of professional courses which teaches us to handle problems of Non-living objects, capable of understanding things, capable of transforming the system; our colleagues, our sisters, friends are in trouble but we prefer to have a deep sleep, regardless of what is going on in the society.

Try assuming anyone of the victims as your sister or your close friend. Just try once. It might help in waking you up.

Jai Hind.

Because things change if you want them to change.
8:12 AM, Indian Standard Time


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