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I am sorry.

Yesterday we celebrated Independence day in INDIA. Brats on roads, bike rallies, freedom of guys to do literally anything, vulgar comments to little girls, surprising unnoticed eve-teasing, Yes its India, and here we are free to do anything and everything. The undiscovered and unnoticed fact is that only half of Indian population rejoiced yesterday with all there hearts. Those were Indian Men. Our Sisters, our female friends and all ladies were horrified by the cruel and wicked acts of the other gender on the roads. You can easily find heavy music at each square, playing alluring songs of Sunny Leone, and a troupe of 'true patriots' dancing around. Indian men have misused their Freedom, and someday each one of us will realise this fact.

In India it is difficult being an woman. The video attached is worth watching for every Indian.
India is rank 2nd, for being the most unsafe place for women. What not happens in India? A guy of 15 to an man of 65, women can't trust anyone. Our indigenous Indian qualities of respect for the other gender have vanished.

From a decade, thousands of articles on women security have been written. Did that helped? Statistics didn't changed. Who is Responsible? Indian men are responsible. I am Responsible. I can understand how it feels to be treated as an object. I am sorry for all the atrociousness you have to face all through your life due to uncivilized 'animals' on the streets, in the colleges, in your offices, in the malls, on the bus stand and in the buses, on the roads and at your home. I wish I could change the situations one day, because, you deserve better. Each one of you is beautiful, smart and unique. You are God's best gift to us, still we don't respect you. Shame on us!

Never ignore, deeply insult and kick back hard at the person who is trying to disturb you with his nuisance activities. Don't let anyone annoy you. Men shrink up badly when being insulted. A group of 10 guys can stare you and pass lewd comments, you still show a lot of courage to tell him to shut up.. But when a guy is surrounded by 10 girls, he can't even have an proper eye-contact with anyone of you. 

Hit back, until we make a better and safer nation for you. 

Jai Hind. 


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